
White asparagus pesto "Reginette"

• 350 g of Reginette
• 300 gr of white asparagus
• 80 g of grated Parmigiano Reggiano
• 20 g grated Pecorino - Salt - Pepper
• 20 g of pine nuts
• Extra virgin olive oil

To prepare the White asparagus pesto Reginette, start thoroughly washing the asparagus under running water. Peel then the stem with a potato peeler to remove the filamentous exterior; cut the final part of the stems (the hardest one) levelling them off. Tie the Asparagus with a kitchen string.
In an asparagera or in a tall and narrow saucepan, pour the water up to its three quarters, salt and add the asparagus to boil them. Place them vertically leaving the tips out of the water (they will steam) and cook for 20 minutes. Drain them and let them cool in a bowl. After that, transfer the asparagus in a cutting board and cut them into small pieces, setting the tips aside. In a blender, put the asparagus adding grated Parmigiano and Pecorino and mix them together. Add also the pine nuts, salt and pepper. Blend everything to have a thick and smooth cream. Transfer the cream in a large pan and set aside to stir at the end. In a large pot, add water, season to taste, and bring to the boil. Pour the Reginette, cook and drain it when it is still al dente. Transfer it in the pan with the asparagus cream and stir over a moderate flame for a few seconds. Add pepper at taste, pour the tips that you had set aside and serve warm.

See also

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